Essay, Research Paper: Macbeth And Lord Of Flies

Shakespeare: Macbeth

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The human being, according to evolution, has evolved from animals to become a
superior animal form that has the ability to decipher right and wrong, have
recognizable feelings, and at the same time have that animalistic
characteristics wild beasts have. The authors of Macbeth and Lord of the Flies
attempt to exhibit the idea that human beings are totally capable of acting like
wild beast. The authors explain to us that different factors bring out our
animal, or beast, instincts. Envy, fear, and jealousy are factors, which
contribute to our regression as savages. Human beings thrive on competition, so,
such factors can change the way we think. These authors use characters like Jack
and Macbeth as examples of human being self corruption through letting our
natural call of the wild come through. Leadership can never come in second place
and is only held by the first. These characters, after realizing the idea of
kill or be killed, will do anything, even acts of inhumanity, to advance and
come out on top. This with the combination of other factors simply blind folds
our minds into thinking that we must always come out victorious. All the values
and mores that society has taught us have been wiped away simply with the
illusion, internal animal characteristics, that we must strive, in any way we
can, to be in the position of leadership. Physical examples like Jack killing
Piggy and the slaying of Banquo by Macbeth are models of how people can be
temporarily blinded by jealousy, envy, and fear. Authors, trying to prove that
human beings see their own eventual downfall by using such devices as
apparitions and ghost to remind us we are human. Apparitions haunted Macbeth, in
the same way our conscious come into play when we know we have violated the
values set up by society. This realization of doing wrong only makes some humans
to more unexpected things. In a way, they become frightened of returning to
human values. This is actually the beast in us that does not want to be
repressed. In lord of the flies we see that this animal or if you want to call
it savagery, in human beings, can be visible in even innocent children. Fear
drives many of these children to act very different sometimes even aware that
one would never do such things. This fear was brought on by the illusion that a
stronger more dominant beast was on the island as well. Jacks animal instinct is
brought out with the feeling of being second to Jack and most of the supposed
beast. This is why he insists on hunting rather then working on a plan to be
rescued. Jack will not tolerate being in second. Sometimes these feeling can not
be pushed away and only seem to worsen. This is seen by the fact that Jack is no
longer hunting to survive but for the thrill of knowing he has the power to kill
that which is less then him. His animalistic characteristics only seem to get
worse. Going from killing to survive, killing to know you have the power, and
finally the murder of human beings. We see that Jack is now making excuses for
the quick high of know he is number one and in total control. He kills Simon
claiming he thought it was the beastie. Truly the fact that they dance around
like savages and never stop think is prove that the beast in Jack has finally
taken over his mind. The authors of Lord of the Flies and Macbeth attempt to
show us that hope is not lost. Obvious devices as apparitions doubling as our
conscience mind display that human beings can over come the regression to
savagery and to face the fact that we all have a simple yet powerful dark side.
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